Eng exercise for Primary 5 & 6 – Simple Past vs Past Progressive Tenses:

** simple_past_progressive tense 1 (fill in the blanks)

** past-simple-past-continuous-tenses 2 (fill in the blanks)

** simple past past progressive tense 3(fill in the blanks)

** simple-past-progressive tense 4 (fill in the blanks)

** past-simple-or-progressive tense 5 (fill in the blanks)

** simple past past progressive tense 6 (fill in the blanks)

** simple past past progressive tense 7 (fill in the blanks)

** simple past past progressive tense 8 (fill in the blanks)



** how to use simple past-simple tense

** how to use past-continuous tense


More related English Grammar online exercises for Primary 5 & 6 in this website:
